Facial Massage

If you've had a facial with me, you've more than likely heard me talk about why facial massage is so important to the vitality and health of your skin. For those of you I have yet to meet, grab a cup of tea and listen up.

Most of us take the time to work out. We stretch, walk, run, lift weights, and even get massages for our bodies. While our faces certainly reap benefits from all of those things, rarely do we consistently take time to do the same for our faces. Now, Im not advocating deep tissue massage or a cross fit like workout for your face. The idea of massaging your face is to gently stimulate muscles, increase circulation and relax tension while even lifting and "retraining" your facial muscles.

Facial massage stimulates muscle tone and assists the lymphatic system with carrying away cellular debris and excess fluid. Movement is so important for our entire body, including the face. The adult body is made up of approximately 60% water. While the body is designed to effectively circulate fluids, lifestyle factors such as stress can impede the optimal flow. I like to think of the body as a clear flowing river, if the water is constantly moving, it remains clear. Any blockages or impediments in the flow creates stagnation. Stagnation in the face can present as puffiness, wrinkles, dullness, discolorations and even acne. Massage is important because it creates movement and flow.

Here is something you can do during your daily skincare routine to help keep your skin glowing between professional facials. Using your cleanser (oil cleanser is best and I recommend Roccoco Botanicals Soothing Oil Cleanser) take a minute or two to gently massage your skin. Small circular movements, upward strokes from your jaw up towards the sides of your eyes and from the center of your face outwards. Sweeping upward and downward strokes on your neck are both wonderful movements to stimulate your skin and assist in lymphatic drainage. Rinse with water. I like to follow with a warm damp towel. Place the towel on your face, take a few deep breaths and gently press into your skin for a moment and then wipe your face of any remaining cleanser. Gua Sha and jade rollers are also great to incorporate into your home routine to help facilitate lymphatic drainage and circulation.

Here's the beautiful thing with facial massage, you can start today, even if you don't have any special tools. Take the opportunity to incorporate massage with every step of your skincare routine. It's not only beneficial for your skin, but I swear, something magical happens when you take a little extra time for yourself.

Wishing you love, peace and glowing skin,



Oil Cleansing, Your skin’s best friend.


Nice to Meet You!